Saturday, April 12, 2014

Random pics.

Day two of three at sea.  So how are we doing?  Are we true "cruisers"?  Or have we become lazy travelers who like the convenience of unpacking one time?  I think it is safe to say we aren't true cruisers.  But we are getting lazier!!

So, here's a typical day at sea ... for us.  I actually have to start the night before.  In the evening the ship's daily newspaper, The Princess Patter, is delivered to our room.  The 4-paged paper consists of  the Officer's Daily Log on the front, dining and bar locations and hours on the back.  And tomorrow's daily schedule in the middle.   We usually review the show schedule and any other presentations that we may want to attend the next day.

When at sea, we're not concerned when we get up.  And with the heavy curtains drawn,  we've been sleeping 'til 7:30 or 8.  And we're in no hurry to get up.  We usually re-read the "paper", then get dressed and head to breakfast.  We have a couple of breakfast options 1) Room Service - we've done that a couple of days, usually when we're at a port.  2) Horizon Court - the cafeteria style dining room, and 3)Sit down breakfast served in the Bordeaux Dining room.

This morning we went to the Bordeaux dining room and were seated with 2 other couples, both originally from LA.  This is alway an interesting experience.  It can be pleasant and informative, or sometimes downright painful.  True "cruisers" love to talk about themselves.  And the conversation goes something like this:

Good Morning.
Good Morning. (me)
Where are you from?
San Diego, how about you?
LA originally, but now we live in our moterhome.  Well, actually a converted bus.  We cruise whenever our bus needs work, or we just want a change of pace.  Do you cruise often?
No, not really.  This is our fourth cruise in 11 years.  How about you?
Oh, we love to cruise!  This is our 16th cruise.  We're Elite level cruisers for Princess line.  That means we get free internet connection and laundry.  What about you?  Do you just cruise Princess?
We've cruised on Celebrity and Carnival.  This is our second Princess Cruise.
Oh, nice.

Seriously folks.  True cruisers are a cult!!!!  We're enjoying ourselves, but I don't think we'll EVER make that Elite level!  UPDATE 10/31/18 - We are now at the Elite level cruisers on Princess.  Not sure we've joined the "cult".  But we do enjoy the cruising experience, love the care and kindness of the crew and have made some wonderful new friends (who don't boast about their number of cruise days.)

So, after breakfast we usually head to the theater or lounge (at opposite ends of the ship) to catch either a port lecture, or some educational type lecture.  We've also made it to the gym, walked the promenade deck 10 times to get in a 3 mile walk.   There's been plenty of eating and drinking on this trip and we've been a bit lax on the exercise.

Today we headed to the theater after breakfast to catch the shopping presentation on Cabo San Lucas.  Oh my, it was all about diamonds and other jewels.  If you know me, you know we won't be doing that type of shopping in Cabo.  We're actually looking forward to some tequila and Mexican food!   So we made it through the 45 minute lecture and then headed back to our cabin (opposite end of the ship), got on our swim suits and then headed to the pool.  We found a couple of lounge chairs - in the shade - and settled in.

It's around noon, the humidity is becoming manageable.  It's been incredible on this trip, both in ports and on the ship.  The tropics are heading into their rainy season.  With humidity hanging in the 90's, rain would have been welcome.  But our rain gear has been unused this trip.  There are two pools on the Lido deck.  One covered, and one uncovered.  The uncovered pool is a bit more active.  The jumbo TV screen is located in that area and the Master's Tournament is being broadcasted.  We opt for the covered area.  It's actually a bit cooler.   The Lido poolside buffet is serving Mexican food.  I'm absolutely not hungry, but Tony wants to give it a try so he heads over while I catch a short poolside nap.

We end up spending a couple of relaxing hours poolside.  Jumping into the water occasionally to cool off, lounging port side to watch cargo ships sailing on the horizon, and looking for dolphins.  We saw lots of dolphins a couple of days ago.  And sea turtles.  The dolphins were active and gave us quite a show jumping and racing alongside the ship.  We don't see any dolphins today.  Hopefully we'll spot a few before we get to Cabo.

Now it's 2:30pm and we head back to our cabin to change.  Our cabin is the last port side cabin on the 10th deck.  In the past we've liked this location.  It's quiet, and we knew there was an aft balcony on this deck that was rarely used by cruisers.   The disadvantage of this cabin is that it is that all restaurants and the main theater are at the bow of the ship.  So any time we need to go back to our room, we walk the entire length of the ship.  Mmm, with all the eating and drinking we've done on this trip, that may not be a bad thing!  Another disadvantage is that the balcony is uncovered making it quite sunny during the last half of the day.  This really hasn't been an issue because the heat and humidity have prevented us from spending much sea time outside anyway.  Now that we're further north and out of the tropics, we hope to use it a bit more and hopefully catch a sunset or two before we reach San Pedro.

OK, back to our daily schedule.  There's another Cabo lecture at 3.  This one is not shopping oriented.  Prior to each port a lecture covering history, attractions, do's and don'ts is offered.  We've tried to attend all port lectures on this trip.  They've prepared us on what to expect in countries we knew nothing about.   So back to the front of the ship we go.   Then after the lecture we head back to the room to relax and get ready for the evening.  Phew!

Back in our room by 4, we catch a movie on TV and dress for the evening.  Tonight, dinner dress is smart casual, but just about any dress, excluding beachwear is is acceptable, and seen.   There are 3 formal dress evenings on this cruise.  About 15% of the guys, including Tony, are in Tuxes.  And most women are in cocktail dresses.  This has been one of the many packing delemas for me.  I ended up with 4 dresses.  I really only needed one with a change in jewelry.  Nobody really pays attention.

Shortly after 6 we head back over to the Princess Theater.   Tonight Gary Delane. a musical commedian is performing.  He was great!  The entertainment on this cruise has been excellent.  Most evening shows are backed by the ship's band, an amazing group of musicians.  And every evening a group called the Rapsody Trio (piano, base, and viola) plays classical music in the atrium.  On our way to dinner after the comedy show we usually find a place to sit in the atrium, have a glass of wine and listen to the trio.  By the way, the atrium is the center social area of the ship.  It's 4 floors high, with glass elevators and marble staircases between the floors.  On each floor there are lounge areas, shops, bars and service counters.  It is the hub of activity on the ship.

We usually eat dinner anywhere between 8 and 9.  If there's another show we want to catch, we'll eat a bit earlier to get back to the theater in time.  Otherwise it's closer to 9.  Good thing all eating establishments are at the front of the ship.  At least we have a little bit of a walk before crawling in bed and reading the latest edition of the Princess Patter.

Well, that's it.  A day at sea.  It's fun, it's relaxing.  But we're on day 3 and we're  ready to hit some terra firma.

Here are some pics

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update and info. I had a great day schnurring with your mother. She said - when Betty is here we need to come down and see some more of the neat things around here - I took her through Dheinsville and Freistadt and there are some interesting historical things to see (these are outlying area of Germantown). She is doing great and missing her Facetime phonecalls. ;-p
